I give inspiring & thought-provoking talks about the messy, unpredictable & exciting future of marketing.
"Your ability to talk about an issue that is SO political while also showing how it is more a matter of brand security and customer affiliation is so amazing."
— Audience Review
Behind-the-scenes lessons from one of the biggest consumer activist movements in the world.
Around the world, citizens are waking up the reality of weakening democratic institutions — and they are turning to their power as consumers to fight for their values. For the first time ever, brands are in the unprecedented position of publicly answering for the most unusual thing: their ad placements on the web.
I draw on stories from the frontlines of one of the biggest consumer activist movements in the world to bring you insights you won’t hear anywhere else. My talks are designed to be engaging, non-political and highly practical. If you’d like me to come speak at your company, university or organization, get in touch with me here.
The Sleeping Giants Story: Behind The Scenes
From a small Twitter account to a movement, Sleeping Giants became one of the most powerful campaigns in social media history practically overnight. In this talk, I’ll share the story of how our campaign began, how we built our community and how our grassroots collective sparked a permanent shift in consumer culture.
I will also pull back the curtain and walk you through how activists develop and launch campaigns, so your company can be one step ahead.
How To Weather A Social Media Crisis
Life comes at you fast, especially when it comes to social media. In this talk, I walk you through the anatomy of a social media crisis — how they begin, how they escalate and what it takes to come out on top.
We walk through IRL examples and work through our options together. This is a fun, thought-provoking and interactive session, and one that trains marketers and marketing students to understand the value of brand stewardship.
How Brands Became Our New Democracy
In this talk, I explore how and why programmatic advertising has become the focus of Sleeping Giants, one of the most influential social media campaigns in the world. We will understand the role that brands have unwittingly played in funding hate, extremism and disinformation in society and how Sleeping Giants campaigns in the U.S., Brazil and Europe have successfully fought back by holding brands accountable.
We will understand the role our marketing budgets will play, not just in ending the rise of propaganda and conspiracy theories, but also in supporting a peaceful, democratic society.
Watch my speaker reel
Live audience reviews
@nandoodles of @slpng_giants absolutely smashed it at the @turingfest afternoon session on protecting your brand, and deciding who gets to use your platform. The below slide says it all #TuringFest #SleepingGiants pic.twitter.com/MV3npaAOrp
— Rachel Miele (@RachelnotZane) August 29, 2019
Fantastic to see @nandoodles up on stage at #turingfest telling the @slpng_giants story. A small group of activists making a real difference. pic.twitter.com/CT9VxcqxN1
— James Mayes (@James_Mayes) August 29, 2019
"Give yourself permission to be seen and heard." @nandoodles Loving the opening keynote on @allyshipandaction #allyshipandaction pic.twitter.com/S6mqfzNVnB
— bernice chao (@hellobernice) August 4, 2020
Crazy inspiring talk from @nandoodles, one of the founders of @slpng_giants - who inform businesses who are inadvertently funding hate through not understanding where ads are placed. It is a brands job to understand where they are appearing. #shinebootcamp pic.twitter.com/egeVKpcfoC
— Kirsty Hulse (@Kirsty_Hulse) May 26, 2019
Watching @nandoodles give a brilliant, thought-provoking talk about brand safety, free speech and how you walk the line between the two #turingfest pic.twitter.com/q0lPadUtS1
— Arianne Donoghue (@ArianneDonoghue) August 29, 2019
Your A&A keynote changed my life. Thank you for your empowerment and bravery!
— aimee brodbeck (@abrodbeck) October 7, 2020
Tuned in to @allyshipaction summit no2 #allyshipandaction
— current forward (@currentfwd) August 4, 2020
Hearing @nandoodles Sleeping Giants story straight from her mouth is a gut punch. But a beautiful lesson in leveraging her *true* allies to get the seat at the table she deserves. Excited for the future with Check My Ads.
the power of a name drop 🔥 @nandoodles shared how the culture at her latest company Check My Ads embraces talking about the great people who work there. #allyshipandaction
— Jordan Warren (@jordanmechele) August 4, 2020
Thanks a lot to @JJaursch @snv_berlin @nandoodles for interesting insights on the role of advertising in funding or fighting disinformation and hate online! https://t.co/4pCG8cBg5C
— Silke Off (@silke_off) July 21, 2020
Now there’s impact. @slpng_giantsand @nandoodles changing the narrative and the business models of sites that host disinfo and hate speech #misinfocon pic.twitter.com/w43rAL5Uze
— Jon Lloyd (@jonrlloyd) October 23, 2019
Great presentation by @nandoodles on how they stopped 4200 advertisers stopped supporting Breibart and shifted the narrative against hate speech.. #MozFest #misinfocon pic.twitter.com/XkyT6qcz9b
— Janet Chapman (@jachapman82) October 23, 2019
At #MisinfoCon today, hearing about the incredible work by @slpng_giants founder Nandini Jammi @nandoodles to hold brands accountable for where they show their ads. Due to their work 90% of Breitbart’s ads disappeared in 3 months 👊🏼 https://t.co/Mb1LPijf0o pic.twitter.com/5qGSqMZ4WV
— Memetix (@memetixx) October 23, 2019